Graduating into a Tough Economy

As I contemplate graduation, which is only 10 months away, I can’t help but wonder if I’ll be able to find a job post graduation. As a Mass Communication major, concentrating in Public Relations, on campus I can tell any English Major or Pre Med Student specifically how important Public Relations is.
However in an economy that CNN makes look like the last season of Lost, I found myself concerned with how well that translates into Corporate America in this tough job economy. So, as any good student would, I started researching jobs that could withstand the recession, and to my relief PR seems to contiunes to thrive, even in tough times. According to the Time magazine article, “The 150 Best Recession Proof Jobs Overall”, Public Relations Specialist ranked number 19.
I know that it will take more than rank to find a job in this economy, but it does make me feel better knowing that the feild that I chosse will always be needed, and these loan were not in vain.