International Public Relations – Case Study

Learning to apply PR in familiar setting is somewhat of a craft. Learning to apply PR in international waters can be compared to learning a new language. In the International Public Relations study presented in the textbook, “Cases in Public Relations Management” tips, essentials and guidelines are highlighted and we will discuss those shortly.
NatureWorks LLC., produces “improved plastics made of corn-based PLA by making them easier to manufacture and more heat resistant.” In laymen’s terms they make green biodegradable packaging. This case study was important and relates to international public relations because of their beginnings. Thought to be a passing trend or fade in eastern Europe NatureWorks LLC had to tailor their appeal to fit international markets. To become the global provider that NatureWorks, LLC is today, they had to learn different cultures, markets and learn how communicate their products appeal and benefits.
This leads me to those tips refer to earlier:
1. Level of media development and professionalism
2. Level of economic development
3. Political ideology
4. Societal tolerance for activism
5. Strength of labor unions
6. Level of development of the legal system
7. State to state relations
8. Relationship between gov’t and business
These components are different in every country. Learning how they affect public relations and commerce was beneficial to NatureWorks LLC., as you can’t market to a consumer that you don’t understand.